Food is one of the basic needs of the human being. It is required for the normal function of the body parts and healthy growth. Every day, we eat a large variety of foods. These foods are classified into three different groups according to their composition; they are vegetarian food, non-vegetarian food and synthetic food.
The first group, the food we get from the plant source is considered as a vegetarian food. We have a variety of vegetables such as tomato, potato, carrot, spinach, etc; and fruits like: mango, apple, orange, grapes, and lemon…Vegetarian foods provide several vitamins, minerals, fibers and enzymes. Green, leafy vegetables are rich in iron, which is an important constituent of blood. Because vegetables are low in sugar and fat, they are useful for people who are on diet. In addition, vegetables contain high amount of fibers, so they are good for the digestive system. Fruits are rich in source of carbohydrates and they contain high quantity of antioxidants; therefore, they protect the body from harmful substances. People said that if we eat a lot of vegetarian food we will have a fair, smooth and shiny skin. We should eat enough vegetarian foods that 600g vegetables and 400g fruits to supplement vitamins, minerals, fibers and enzymes for our bodies.
The second group, the non-vegetarian foods obtained from the animal source. This group includes eggs, meat and fish. They are the most important source of proteins, zinc, iron and B vitamins. These nutrients are necessary for growth and repair of the body. In fact, eggs are rich in iron and protein; meat is major source of vitamin B12; fish is also a significant source of proteins. We should eat 4 eggs, 500g meat and 700g fish per week to balance our diet and ensure our health. If we follow this regimen that means we eat enough non-vegetarian foods each day, we will have strong and firm muscle; we also can resist diseases. E synthetic food
If vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods provide us with a lot of nutrients, the last group is the synthetic food which contains fewer nutrients but it helps us avoid hungering in a while. The synthetic foods are made by human being; they use available materials and create new things. We have some examples of synthetic foods: ice-creams, syrups, jellies, candies, pharmaceutical tablets and so on…This kind of food contain much sugar, fat and chemicals. It is not good if we eat synthetic food every day because the amounts of chemicals are harmful for our health. The synthetic foods just have effect in a while. For example, in a hot afternoon, if we eat an ice-cream, it will make us relax and reduce hot. On the other hand, if we eat 5 ice-creams at the same time, after that we will be throaty due to the chemicals in these ice-creams. The synthetic foods just have temporary benefit, so we should notice about the usage of synthetic food to avoid harmfulness.
Food is the only source to obtain nutrients in an adequate quantity. If we do not get these nutrients in sufficient amount, then we may suffer from a number of health problems. We should balance these three groups of foods: vegetarian food, non-vegetarian foods and synthetic foods in our daily diet so that we can maintain the normal functioning of the body and lead a healthy life.
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